.Did Georg Cantor get it wrong?
The Greatest Oxymoron in Existence.
What I believe Cantor found was the infinite possibilities within the number "1".
One explains itself and every other number including the infinite possibilities within itself. ALL different types of numerical expressions like fractions, decimal points, percentages, whole numbers, irrational number, etc,
are different ways of expressing this one number within our finite system.
One is the identity of mathematics.
It is such a perfect number that any variations on the 100% value of 1, is an imperfection
Hence Cantors proclaimed Absolute Infinity is restricted by the number 1, a 100% complete (bounded and ended) value.
(1) = (100%)
Absolute Infinity must be boundless and endless and defined in Mathematical language as
Cantors most proclaimed work is in fractions, a part of the infinite possibilities within 1.
So we must add the Bound/end/restriction "()" of 1 or 100%.
No matter if you calculate with 1 or within 1, the infinite possibilities are restricted by its oneness. It therefore must have a beginning and an end.
This also means because we are within the laws of one E=mc2, It is impossible for the universe merely to have a beginning
( ∞
Georg Cantor was not wrong however about his findings, just what he found has been wrongly titled as infinity.
It is infinite yes but not Absolute infinity or infinity in totality.
There is only one problem with 1.
Just by itself it can not calculate within itself or with reproductions of itself.
It requires a language to be able to calculate.
Mathematical Governing laws.
If "1" is the identity of Mathematics, What is the core of the universal language?
If you think about it x, ÷ , √ , Etc are grouped and fancy symbols. We could still continue calculating without them. The only two symbols that do exist and explain all other symbols/mathematical expressions are
"+" and "-"
Simple example
Addition and subtraction are only derived due to the existence of the number 1.
It is the language spoken by the number 1 and therefore also it's restriction.
It's either the entity or value exist and added then, eventually ceases to exist and taken away.
Any entity or value that is added can never not exist or become nothing, only the additional 1 that it supplied is subtracted.
Whatever this entity contributed or any other additions they reproduced while existing still remains, even if it itself, ceases to exist.
I mention the word "reproduced" for a reason.
To actually create something using multiple other entities or other ones is something you've designed, not created.
For example if we were to create a table, we (1) are using other materials (1+1+1) and we can only design it to our desired outcome (1).
The only way we can actually "create" something is with reproduction.
Reason is simple.
We are each an individual 1
Our bodies develop and emit 1.1
Our children becomes another 1
But always has this .1 from our 1.
Michael from Vsauce explains it well
So in actual fact a decimal point that is beyond the 100% of 1, could potentially end up being a part of another 1, even though it developed within the initial 1.
We can also never become nothing because we were once something and nothing can not be subtracted unless it becomes an additional something. Everything that has ceased to exist has existed at specific time.
Everything that exists or existed is an addition.
This doesn't only apply to physical or tangible entities.
For example we can create (or add on) using our imagination. The unique imaginative something that we created exists at a certain time within your space, so even if forgotten and never remembered again, it can never become nothing, only the addition it supplied is forgotten.
However even this imaginative something is still restricted and can only be created because of our experiences.
We can not imagine what someone else imagines to the exact detail nor can we conjure up something unimaginable because everything you imagine is subject to your own wiring and experiences or, your moment in time within the space of your life.
Hence nothing outside of your restricted (1) can be contemplated because we are restricted by your unique Addition and Subtraction. (+|-)
Quick summary
1. Cantors infinity is not absolute infinity and restricted by 1
2. Our (1) is restricted by 100%
3. ( + | - ) is the language and also a restriction of (1).
4. We can not contemplate beyond our (1)
What so special about the addition and subtraction (+|-) ?
This is the core of mathematics. Everything must have an Equal and opposite to exist.
Hence It also explains
Positive and negative,
Addition subtraction,
Time space,
Proton electron,
Good Bad,
Right Wrong,
Light Dark
We can even say
Yin Yang.
All we have is equal and opposites and one can not exist without the other. Black exists because of white and vice versa.
Think of anything, chemistry, biology, physics even non scientific subjects like morale; you can even say from a materialistic morale point of view, water is our greatest asset, the reason for life yet, our greatest restriction.
Anything from a positive and a negative within a finite position can be explained quite easily.
The only title that can be given to something that explains everything is
The Theory of Everything
In understanding this number 1 and it language that it must obey in order to be calculate, we also see the relationship between science and mathematics
That is mathematics studies the
(+ | - )laws to understand the (1) value.
Science studies the
(1) value to understand the ( + | - ) laws.
Quantum Mechanics states for nothing to create something, laws must be in place for nothing to produce something.
How do you explain this. Easy....
A law is something that governs its subjects. It is not an actual physical entity and can not be expressed as the value 1.
It is however an addition which must preexist our mathematical restrictions, as quantum mechanics states.
+ ( + | - )
Would it be wrong then if I state this is the equation of Quantum mechanics,
And this is what governing physics only studies (+|-)
I believe this is the never before seen link between Quantum Mechanics and Gravitational Physics.
Even a law however is not nothing, but something. It is an action and must proceed an entity.
1 + ( + | - )
I'll ask another question to better understand what I'm implying
What is 1 added onto finite or 1 added onto Mathematics as the equation shows?
Different variations
1 + ()
1 + (1)
1 + (Maths)
1 + (e=mc2)
1 + (+|-)
1 + (logic)
1 + (everything)
1 + (finite)
Heres an example... Say we calculated everything and found the total answer,
Hypothetically say everything equals to 100, what is 1 added onto 100 or everything
It can not be 101
It must therefore be ∞
Quote: "If an object tries to travel 186,000 miles per second, its mass becomes infinite, and so does the energy required to move it. For this reason, no normal object can travel as fast or faster than the speed of light."
So now we have an equation
1 + (1) = ∞ or better explained
1 + ( + | - ) = ∞
The Actual True infinity or as I like to call this, The Omni Equation.
Before continuing I should mention Mathematics ability is within all creatures. Once any creature is born, it must mathematically calculate a way of staying alive.
The survival instinct or emotions must come from the newborn itself and that requires calculations. A perfectly healthy new born baby doesn't need to be taught to breathe, it just does. A fish doesn't need to be taught to swim, it just does.
If we came from a single cell organism and evolved to the state we are, that first spark of life had to strategize a plan to survive. It also had to use the foundations of the universal law of mathematics, in order to reproduce and prosper.
The only difference between us and our cousins, that is all creations that came from this first life form, is we got good at mathematics.
We started questioning the logic, the what's, when's, how's and especially why's. Started exploring, learning, contemplating, deciphering, dominating etc
There are some who might argue as to our existence coming from Absolute Zero.
The examples I have received vary in hypothetical scenarios, however the fundamental point they want to make is always along the same concept.
Here's one example
Quote: "Zero is an important starting place. The farmer whose fencing and barn works had been blown down in the typhoon, found that there were zero cows on his premises. He had to start from zero to get to having one cow, at least, again."
Scenarios like this miss crucial elements of the equation. Here the farmer is with the idea and quite aware that cows actually exists. The farmer does not start with zero cows, he has prior knowledge of the existence of cows and builds his farm with the intention of getting cows.
If the cows were at Absolute zero, he would have asked for something else rather than a cow.
Without 1 cow existing or ever existing, there is no such thing as cows.
Now to really get to the best bit
First let me start by mentioning this,
It does not matter what you call this God or even if you follow a God, as long as you believe there is a one, 100% infinite that can never be limited by our governing laws.
If you agree that God, Allah, YHWH, Absolute Infinite or any other name you prefer to call it does exist, then I follow the same 1=∞ that you follow.
My use of the word "God" is because I'm explaining the Absolute, in totality God, a incomprehensible completely unrestricted entity that must be outside of our mathematical laws.
So We (1) have free will (+|-).
God "1=∞" outside of () does not tamper with (+|-). This falls under the category of "Miracle" which I will explain later.
We can do good or bad and imbalance the system.
When time of judgement comes "="
and your judged by 1=∞ outside of our (+|-)
You can potentially end up with + ∞ or - ∞
You've done 60% positive in total within your free will
1+(+60,-40) = + ∞ = Heaven
Or the vice versa, hell
1+(+40,-60) = - ∞
That would mean
Adding onto addition itself is + ∞
Added onto subtraction itself is -∞
1 + (+) = + ∞
1 + (-) = - ∞
It is important to remember ONLY "1 = ∞" outside of () can judge. We can not even judge ourselves.
Now let me show you different religious belief structures. We must understand that anything outside of the finite is hidden, incomparable and incomprehensible.
Let me explain it this way
We already know
1= ∞ outside finite is God,
Everything created is an addition, a positive + .
God only gives positives to the universe.
Atheist, understand natural law exist
Pantheist, the universe is God
(1= ∞ )
Buddhism, look within yourself to find personal Nirvana. Cantors ideology is somewhat a Buddhist belief.
1=+=(+|-) = ∞
Christianity, father (1) holy spirit (+) son (+|-) (holy spirit is the deliverer of Gods word, positive, the son is earthly bound son)
However Jesus said in the Bible constantly
the father (1)
is greater (+)
than I (+|-).
I should also mention Christianity believes (1=∞) or Jesus God who came to earth. This is very similar to the Buddhist belief however, Buddhism believes everyone has the potential of finding ∞ within themselves and Christianity believe only 1 character, Jesus had ∞ within him.
Also another similar religious belief is Hinduism where multiple (1=∞) can or have existed.
By clearly looking at the restrictions of (1), (+|-), We understand 1=∞ can never have any (). In other words, God can never be an oxymoron.
That would mean to understand a religious quote like, to be made "in Gods image" actually means to be made up of 1 but never his ∞.
Also the other Christian ideologies, like a part of God or begotten son of God, can also be explained
A part of God
God Is the only 100% ∞
If Jesus was .1% of Gods 100%
Then God becomes 99.9% and we become Godless.
Son of God
To have a child is an emission from yourself. We are given genes from our parents, not actual physical parts but a mathematical development of reproduction that is produced, then emitted. So it already is restricted by (+|-) and Absolute ∞ can not be within ().
Also an emission from yourself is always connected to you.
What I mean is,
As explained earlier
We are each an individual 1
Our bodies develop and emit 1.1
Our children becomes another 1
But always has this .1 from our 1.
The problem is God is Absolute ∞. If God developed then emitted rather than created, then God becomes a 1.1 at one stage and an always 100% ∞ infinite God, becomes a 110% ∞.
God can not be greater than God. He must be complete but Absolute ∞.
In all fairness to Christianity,
Not until the Nicene Creed was this error accepted. Athanasius's ideology prevailed Arius concept. When studied in depth mathematically, it is easy to spot that Arius's belief should have been accepted.
Also there are sections in the Bible that are more correct than our current accepted mathematics
For example
Genesis 1:1
...God (1) created (+) heavens ( ∞ ) and earth (+|-),
or the finite is within infinite, not vice versa.
Even though Genesis's further explanation maybe mathematically unsound, the first line is in perfect sync and actually proves wrong Cantor.
Surah 112,
In the name of Allah, 1=∞
The most Beneficent (saying thanks for the + in (+|-) to the ∞ beneficent)
The most merciful (asking for mercy for your - in (+|-) to the ∞ merciful )
Say he is 1 (1),
on all whom depend (+)
he begets not, nor is begotten (+|-)
and none is like him (∞)
The whole Quran is written with this theme, I have not found a single Chapter/Surah that falls outside of the vicinity of the equation. It explains God, what he gives to mankind, a positive and negative and the eternal end.
and so on....
The equation explains a lot of unanswered questions Like for example God does not change the mathematics, he could but won't. He does miracles by setting the mathematics before the creation is created, so Moses parting the ocean means the ocean already had its appointed time to part.
Even though it does not explain evolution, which I am a firm believer of even though I believe in God, (I can explain this religiously if required), it does explain that Adams heaven must have been on earth because Adam is within the (+|-).
Also there is no such thing as original sin, we may have come because of it but are not subject to it.
The reason Adams heaven was considered heaven is due to him only being able to see the positives (+) within the (+|-) when he sinned the negatives were revealed.
In seeing this we also realize the equation explains how Allah can be just and merciful at the same time.
That is
Allah deeming you worthy of being created and for creating you just (+|-)
He only creates good but with hidden evil inclinations within them.
It is the option (free will (+|-)) of the just human to either do good or bad, in other words activate the - negative.
Then it is Allahs option to be merciful on the justly creates human and Only he can judge.
It is illogical to think Absolute Infinity is within the restrictions of mathematics.
Wouldn't it be beyond our numerical values (1), our universal laws(+|-), our time and space?
I'm showing you an equation that is trying to justify beyond Cantor.
The Absolute Infinity that can never have boundaries.
1+= ∞
outside of our
(+|-) or (1)
Cantors work has just been mislabeled as infinity, it is actually just the number 1.
Literally again I ask you to think outside the box
Equation be it is
When he decrees a matter, he only has to say Be, and it is" is easily definable with mathematics.
The art of saying/stating is an addition.
The Quran goes further and mentions that this decree is a commandment,
We also understand that "lt is" in this commandment is the actual creation
being created. So an addition has been added to the equation. Every creature is an individual 1. Due to him being the creator and outside of our mathematics and not restricted by the governing laws of mathematics the created "1" can not be added the initial (1), so the created 1 must have brackets.
Hence, this line in the Quran in a numerical format is
Allah (1) only has to say, Be (+) and it is (1)
Or simply
1 + (1)
But this creation Allah states he makes in pairs in Yasin 36.36
Glory be to Him Who created pairs of all things, of what the earth grows, and of their kind and of what they do not know.
Most think this pair is male, female but it means equal and opposite. Things you know (equal), thing you don't know (opposite)
So again we end up with 1+(+|-)
As shown earlier
I know so much more about the equation but I'll leave you all with this final important feature of The Omni Equation,
Scientist and related schools of Academia have been debating theologians, labeling them "backward thinking" and restricted for believing in a deity. The truth is however, the equation clearly shows those who follow a deity have thought a lot more about the bigger picture and in particular, outside the box.
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